• 実績


The number of domestic registrations
既特許件数 487件
既商標登録件数 384件 
既意匠登録件数  48件 

The number of existing patents 487
The number of existing trademark registration 384
The number of existing registration of a design 48


Overseas registration performance

United States, Canada, Europe, Norway, Brazil, India,
Israel, Australia, China, Korea, Malaysia, Kazakhstan,
Turkey, Bahrain, Russia, Singapore, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia,
UAE, Thailand, Taiwan


The fields for patent applications
材料加工機械 | 生産・組立機械 | 一般機械 | 運輸 | 半導体 | 金属 | 非金属材料 | プラント|高級衣料|工作機械

Materials processing machine | Production, assembling machine | General machine |
Transportation | Semiconductor |Metal | Nonmetallic material | Plant |
High-quality clothes |Machine tool